What motivated Valli to save money for her bus ride?

How did valli save money to travel by bus. Valli was motivated to save money for her bus ride by her curiosity and desire for adventure. Living in a small village, she often watched the bus pass by her house, filled with passengers who seemed to experience a world beyond her own. 

The sight of the bus sparked her imagination, and she longed to explore the town that lay just out of reach. Valli’s determination grew stronger as she envisioned herself on that bus, experiencing the thrill of travel. The idea of embarking on her own adventure without her mother’s supervision made her even more eager. 

Valli wanted to assert her independence and prove that she could manage things on her own. This longing for exploration and independence became the driving force behind her meticulous planning and saving efforts, as she envisioned the joy and excitement of her first bus journey.

How much money did Valli need for her bus journey?

For her first bus journey, Valli needed a total of sixty paise. This amount was necessary for a round trip between her village and the nearest town. The bus fare was thirty paise each way, making it essential for Valli to save up enough money to afford both legs of the journey. Understanding the importance of this amount, she set her sights on gathering the sixty paise through careful planning and sacrifice. 

Given her limited financial resources as a child, this task required considerable determination and discipline. Valli realized that saving this amount was crucial to fulfill her dream of riding the bus. Her motivation fueled her desire to set aside any extra coins she could find, emphasizing her commitment to achieving her goal. 

What strategies did Valli use to save money?

Valli employed several effective strategies to save money for her bus ride. First, she began to pay close attention to her daily expenses, cutting back on small purchases that she previously enjoyed, such as peppermints, toys, and balloons. 

By resisting the temptation to buy these items, she could save the coins she usually spent. Additionally, Valli carefully collected any stray coins she found, treating them as valuable contributions to her savings. She also made use of her observations about the bus, timing, and fare to ensure she understood the costs involved. 

This meticulous approach showcased her ability to plan and her determination to succeed. Valli’s efforts were driven by her desire for independence and adventure, making her saving strategies both practical and motivated by her dreams of traveling by bus.

What temptations did Valli resist while saving money?

While saving money for her bus journey, Valli faced numerous temptations that she had to resist. She had to give up the desire to buy her favorite treats like peppermints, which she often craved. 

The allure of colorful balloons and the excitement of toys also tested her willpower. Additionally, Valli had a fondness for riding the merry-go-round, which was a popular activity in her village. Each of these small pleasures presented an opportunity for spending, but Valli remained steadfast in her commitment to save money. 

She understood that indulging in these delights would delay her plans to experience the bus ride she longed for. This determination demonstrated not only her resourcefulness but also her ability to prioritize her goals over immediate gratification.


Was it easy for Valli to save the required amount?

No, it was not easy for Valli to save the required amount of sixty paise. She faced many challenges in resisting the temptations of daily purchases, which made it a significant task for her. 

How did Valli gather information about the bus journey?

Valli gathered information about the bus journey by keenly observing the passengers who traveled frequently. She listened to their conversations and occasionally asked them questions about the fare and travel times. how did valli save money to travel by bus.

What time did Valli choose for her bus ride, and why?

Valli chose to travel in the afternoon because she knew her mother would take a nap during that time. This allowed her to sneak out without raising any suspicion.

Did Valli inform anyone about her plans to travel by bus?

No, Valli did not inform anyone about her plans to travel by bus. She wanted to keep her adventure a secret to maintain her independence and surprise her mother later.